FY3450 Astropartikkel fysikk

Høsten 2007

  • Lecturer: Michael Kachelrieß, office: E5-149

  • Description:
    This course in astroparticle physics covers two main topics: i) high-energy astrophysics, ii) the connection of cosmology and particle physics, and if there's time iii) stars as laboratories for particle physics. In the first part, the sources and physical processes producing high-energy particles in the universe are discussed. In the second part, we show how astrophysical and cosmological observations can be used to learn about the properties of known and hypothetical particles - and on the way, we try to understand the universe and its evolution.
    The course is aimed at physics students in the 4.th year, or anybody else with some knowledge of quantum mechanics/particle physics and statistical physics. FY2450 Astrofysikk is not a necessary pre-requisite.
    Applying the basic physical ideas and concepts will be emphasized, while heavy formalism will be avoided as far as possible. The final exam will be in the form of an extended home-work or an oral exam (to be discussed).
    For an overview see here.
    Lectures: Monday 10.15-12.00 in R71, Wednesday 10:15-12:00 in R73

  • Recommended books:
    1. C. Grupen: Astroparticle Physics (Springer 2005)
    2. Donald Perkins: Particle Astrophysics (Oxford University Press 2003)
    Additionally, notes will be available.

  • Program:
    Week 1: General introduction
    Week 2: Basics of particle physics, non-thermal radiation
    Week 3: Sources and acceleration mechanisms
    Week 4: High-energy cosmic rays
    Week 5: High-energy photons and neutrinos
    Week 6: Intro to cosmology
    Week 7: Big-bang nucleosynthesis/Baryogenesis
    Week 8: Thermal relics as dark matter
    Week 9: Structure formation
    Week 10: Cosmic microwave background and its anisotropies
    Week 11: Inflation
    Week 12: Stellar evolution, nuclear processes and neutrinos
    Week 13: Stellar evolution and limits for particle physics
    Week 14: Review, lost & found, outlook

    Last up-date: 11. Aug 2007