README: Terrestrial Cosmic Ray Spectra from a Nearby Supernova This is a description of the files herein, which are Excel files corresponding to the flux of cosmic rays at the Earth from computational models described in Paper I: Thomas, B.C. et al. 2016, ApJL 826, L3. and Paper II: Melott et al. 2017, ApJ XXXXXXXXXXX ( There is one file for each paper, within which are tabs for the cases presented in those papers. These are the results of computation of trajectory of cosmic ray protons from the supernova to the Earth given initial conditions and methodologies described in these papers. The row labels (constituting the first column) are the energy of the spectral point in GeV. The column labels (across the top) are the time after emission. We have made the simplifying assumption that the cosmic ray release from the supernova takes place at a single moment, and the time coordinate given here is that of arrival at Earth less the light travel time from the remnant. The entries are the cosmic ray flux at Earth in that energy bin. Note that these entries are *not* those plotted in the spectra plots in the papers, which were multiplied by E2 so that equal areas under the curves yield equal total energy flux at Earth. The units of these entries are (protons m-2 s-1 sr-1 GeV-1). The results assume the spectrum inside the remnant as described in the papers, with an exponential spectral cutoff at 1 PeV; only protons are included.