Theory Seminar

Spring 2012

  • 13.02, Dmytro Kulagin:
    Spin-wave electrodynamics of gyrotropic magnetic media in external DC electric field

    The report is devoted to the theoretical investigation of spectral characteristic of electromagnetic wave in gyrotropic magnetic media in external DC electric field. In particular it is theoretically shown that the external electric field induces nonreciprocity of spectrum of bulk magnetic polaritons even in an unbounded gyrotropic magnetic medium. On this basis, a number of anomalies is discovered in localization, refraction and propagation of bulk electromagnetic waves onto the border gyrotropic magnet nonmagnetic dielectric». Besides, it is studied some peculiarities of propagation electromagnetic wave through the layered structures that are based on the gyrotropic magnetic media.

  • 30.01, Alexander Stasik:
    IceCube: A neutrino telescope in the Antarctica

    IceCube is a 1 km^3 neutrino telescope located at the geographical south pole. It consists of 5160 photomultiplier deployed in the clear Antarctic ice in a depth of 1450 m to 2450 m as well as an air shower array on the surface. IceCube is designed to measure high energy neutrinos of all flavours with a directional accuracy up to 1$^\circ$. This allows the study of potential accelerators like active galactic nucleus, gamma ray bursts and galactic objects like supernova remnants or pulsars as sources for high energy neutrinos and cosmic rays. Furthermore IceCube allows indirect dark matter search. The big number of atmospheric neutrinos created in air showers allows a precise comparison with model predictions.

    This talk will introduce the IceCube neutrino telescope and its detection principle. Furthermore a mode of the detector, the optical follow-up, will be presented. In that mode IceCube is used to trigger optical and $\gamma$-ray telescopes in a transient object search.