Student 1: * I think the course is very good as it is. * I also believe that projects like the home exam and a final project is an excellent way to really get to know the material. A four hour exam is really not enough time to really be able to test students in the vast framework that is QFT. I would suggest that this is the form of the exams for later years as well. One concern might be that the project might be similar to the home exam, so this should perhaps be taken into account while setting up these projects. Student 2: * in general, the QFT course was very interesting and I enjoyed taking part in the lectures and solving the problems of the exercise sheets! * Regarding the Corona situation it would have been nice if we had had more video lectures (or Zoom meetings or something similar), I think that would have helped me with understanding the topics of chapters 9-11 better. * Regarding the home exam and project, I think that having a home exam as a midterm exam is a good thing because you get to repeat everything and also realize if there's something you haven't understood properly. I also think that having the projects as final exams has been a good solution for the current situation, but in general a "normal" written exam with attendance is better for a course like QFT. Student 3: * Comments on the course: I remember finding it hard to recognize the significanse of the homework problems in relation to the curriculum. Now in retrospect it is much more obvious. I don't know if there is anything to do about that. * Verry positiv to the evaluation scheme we had. Both for this course and the particle physics course I think it was advantageous to have the comfort of a home project to actually work out some relevant Feynman amplitudes and processes. To also have a home project for the final exam in this course was great as it allow us to show and use more of the technics we have learned in the course. * On my project specifically I am verry pleased. It was a bit hard to start as I was not familiar with Fermi-theory, but once I got started on calculating the amplitude it was ok. It was nice to cover loop-diagram calculations in detail on my own, and in my own impression I learned a lot from it. I was very satisfied with the way the course adapted in light of the transition to digital learning. Student 4: * Regarding the home exam, similar to particle physics, I believe this is very helpful as it allows the student to engage in concentrated work over a week time which personally I learn much more from than for instance preparing for a 4 hour exam. * Regarding the final project, similar to the home exam, I think this is a very effective method for the student to learn. Because we were not under too much time constraint it allowed our team to fully research every aspect of the problem and learn a lot throughout the way. Furthermore, because we spent so much time on it, I think this information will stay with us for a long time in future. Student 5: * I dont have any thing to say about the course. Never followed any lectures because I either lived in an other city or had to write a master thesis. But the book is solid and easy to "navigate". I think the course is more difficult than other introductory quantum field theory courses, this based on conversations I've had with people other places. But thats fine, makes it more of a challenge. * It was a nice experience to do a project on your own. A good preparation for a final master thesis in particle physics or quantum field theory. Personally, I thank you for the link you sent me. I would have never done it without that link. My only complaint is that I was not able to use more of the other aspects of quantum field theory in my work. You are kind of "specialized" to one thing. Student 6: * I didn't manage to follow many lectures due to overlap with other courses, but the lecture notes / book were very detailed and relatively easy to follow. Based on conversations I've had with some friends, I think this course provides us with a broader view over introductory QFT, which I think is a good thing. * I think the projects added a really nice touch to the course. It was quite interesting to work on something so tangible (I did gravity and it was very cool), and the time we had allowed us to really dive into the problem and research every aspect of it. However, I don't know if a combination with a home exam, that has more standardised questions, is ideal. Maybe the combos project + exam, presential midterm + project or portfolio of projects would be more optimal?