FY3466: Advanced Quantum Field Theory

H 2021

The lectures are a continuation of FY3464 Quantum Field Theory I and TFY4210 Quantum theory of many particle systems. Aim is an understanding of quantum field theory as the underlying structure of the standard model of particle physics and as an important working tool in statistical physics.

Lecturer, time and place:

Michael Kachelrieß, email; office: E3-126

The lectures will be organised as a mixture of a self-study and seminar course. Contact me by email, if you are interested.

Centaurus A

Topics covered:

  • Renormalization
  • Symmetry breaking
  • Electroweak theory
  • Anomalies
  • plus a selection of the following topics (depending on your interests):
  • Thermal field theory (notes 15)
  • Topological defects, instantons (notes 16, 17.2,3)
  • Gravity (notes 19.1-2, 23, 25.3)
  • QCD (notes 18)
  • other suggestions?


We will follow roughly my lecture notes, see the link below. As alternatives, I suggest you to go to the library and to test several QFT books. Some recommend ones are
  • D. Bailin and A. Love, Introduction to Gauge Field Theory, Adam Hilger.
  • M. Kachelriess, Quantum Fields: From the Hubble to the Planck Scale, Oxford University Press.
    For a freely available draft see here
  • M. Maggiore, A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Oxford University Press.
  • M. Peskin and D. Schroeder, Quantum Field Theory, Perseus Press.
  • L. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press.
  • M. Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model, Cambridge University Press.
  • M. Srednicki, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press. For a freely available draft click here
  • A. Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press.
  • For a discussion of the same story from a somewhat more advanced point of view see T. Banks, Modern Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press. For a pdf file click here

Plan of the meetings


the final exam will be oral. Please contact me to arrange a date, either in week 47, 2 or 3.