TeachingLectures, notes, projects, ...I have collected here links to homepages and lecture notes of courses given by me at NTNU and other places. I also present possible topics for Master's projects and theses. |
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- FY2450 Astrophysics: script (version '08)
- FY3450 Astroparticle Physics: homepage
- FY3451 Astrophysics II: homepage
- FY3403 Particle Physics: homepage
- FY3452 Gravitation and Cosmology: homepage and script (some parts of this script is in an updated version included in the textbook Quantum Fields)
- FY3464 Quantum Field Theory I: homepage
- FY3466 Quantum Field Theory II: homepage
- High energy cosmic rays: lecture notes, minor corrections and additions compared to arXiv:0801.4376v1 [astro-ph]
- Quantum Fields: from the Hubble to the Planck Scale: a text book published by Oxford University Press.
Possible topics for Master's projects and theses:
are described here.Examples for Master's projects and theses:
- Cathrin Becker, Polarised Synchrotron Emission from Electrons in the Galactic Magnetic Field (2023)
- Viktor Mikalesen, Modelling the Galactic NII intensities and the ditribution of OB associations (2023)
- Magnus Malmquist, External Gluons in QCD Scattering Amplitudes (2021)
- Markus Blytt, Implementation of Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Cascades into Elmag (2019)
- Jonas Tjemsland, Antinucleons as Signature for Dark Matter (2019)
- Petter Taule, Applications of the Goldstone equivalence theorem to scattering and decay processes (2018)
- Kristian Joten Andersen, Charged Particle Trajectories in the Local Superbubble (2017)
- Kristian Joten Andersen, Charged Particle Motion in Turbulent Magnetic Fields (2016)
- Daniel Wennberg, Cancellation of infrared divergences in QCD (2014)
- Haakon Andresen, Numerical Studies of Supernova Remnants (2013)
- Dag-Vidar Bauer, Particle Production in Gravitational fields (2013)
- Lars Einar Stieng, The Diffuse Synchrotron Radio Background from Normal Spiral Galaxies in the Context of the ARCADE Excess (2013)
- Lars Andreas Dal, Antideuterons as Signature for Dark Matter (2011)